Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Nesting…I guess…


Okay so we are getting down to like 6 weeks until we travel and I am slowly turning my head in the direction of packing. I have the packing list of all packing lists. I compiled it from 4 really good lists I found on the web and from suggestions from friends who have already traveled. I have most of my pharmaceuticals in one place and I even figured out clothing today for Hope, Noah and myself! Eric is on his own currently. I am packing 12 and 18 months clothing. Since we aren’t likely get an update I have to just guess at her weight and height. But what I have really been consumed with since last Friday night is room décor… I mean isn’t that what really matters?! In January I found the girls’ bedding, as you see in the picture below. At the time I did not know that the ladybug is the “adoption” symbol of sorts. Last week, I bought Eden and Hope each their “name” in large white wooden letters. Then I took one of their pillow cases and proceeded to paint ladybugs and flowers on the white letters. I have finished Hope’s name and started the “E” on  Eden’s name. I am currently “D”-less, because Michael’s was out of the “D”. But Hope’s name is absolutely precious if I do say so myself. I mean it seriously looks store bought, just check it out sitting next to the store bought lamp! (Which I realize now I could have made myself for waaaaayyyy cheaper!) I’m gonna do two canvas paintings as well with the ladybugs and likely some cute matching picture frames!!! I’m sorta addicted, it’s good therapy. Anyhoo, I am hanging the the letters by ribbons over each girls bed. I can’t wait to get the room settled…see nesting…it’s what women do when they are about to have a baby! This two week Art 5 wait is like an eternity, the Lord only knows what other weird stuff I’ll post between now and next week!!!




  1. Another reason I like you....you're crafty. I can't wait to see your canvas's. I loved doing the ones in Will's room.

  2. Fun and pretty decor! The packing is going to be fine; you are a pro!
