Friday, April 13, 2012

Art 5 Pick-Up and just Art…

So I woke this morning to an email from the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, China saying that they had processed our Article 5! I quickly emailed my social worker and asked if she knew if it was picked up and overnighted to Beijing. Seeing as she is currently in China, I don’t know why I thought I’d get a response but clearly the Holy Spirit knew, because she emailed me back to say that it indeed was picked up and sent. Now we are now in the 3-4 week wait for our Travel Approval (TA). I am praying we are one of the families that have the freakishly quick processing time…but since all of our waits have been at the end or just beyond the stated limits…I don’t see that changing for us. It is God’s hands and if wants us to wait for a month…then we will wait. If He wants to watch me freak out for His own humor it will come back in two weeks…who can know the mind of God. So I am strangely content and excited to wait, not chomping at the bit. I thought I would be, I guess just knowing we are in the last phase of the waiting game is a freeing thing. I mean there is the two week wait from TA to travel time…but that is just a different kind of wait in my mind. That wait is more of a pro-active waiting, a preparing for the trip waiting. Having the date of when we leave, when we get Hope and when we come home is comforting. Knowledge is a pacifier they say. So now…we wait.

On a totally unrelated note…I’m still nesting. The girls room is almost done. I have to do Hope’s 12X12 canvas but I have finally finished Eden’s name and her canvas. So here it is so far. Then I have to hang it all. Sigh…nesting is never done. Enjoy!




  1. I TOLD you it would happen :) YAY. Praying you finally get a short timeframe.

    And I LOVE the canvas and letters. Love, love, love!

  2. Congratulations!!!! Hope the TA wait is very quick :)
