Thursday, May 24, 2012

Honk Kong to U.S.A.

Well friends, this is the last China post. We are up and getting ready to head to the airport. We are so thankful. We arrive at the Birmingham Airport at 9:25 pm Friday. For those that want to meet us there, we had posted a blog saying that you could come up to Hope and lightly touch her and talk to her. We need to revise that. Please DO NOT touch her. She is very afraid of strangers and this traveling will make it worse. You can talk to her but please try not to touch her. Keep praying for safe and easy travels. She is a good traveller but 14 hours on a plane makes me crazy, imagine being her. We are going to attempt to catch an earlier flight out of Chicago if by some miracle one has been added. If our flight changes we will post it on FB and here on the blog.

We can’t thank everyone enough for following our journey with prayers and encouragement. We have really needed all the love you have all shared. We will keep the blog open for a little while as we enter into surgery season, but will close it probably around December so it will only be for our sweet Hope to re-read some day. Blessings to all who have loved us through this entire process both friends and strangers. It has been an honor to share in God’s plan with you. Blessings dear ones!


  1. Praying you home friend!!! I would do anything to meet you at the airport, well almost :) We will see you soooon!

  2. 24 hours until you land in Birmingham!

    I think we should all be thanking you for sharing this time with us. Thank you, Williamson family!

    Prayers continue.

  3. SO excited for you guys and love seeing your girl warm up and snuggle her Mama :-) I am so glad y'all will be home in a few hours!!!!! I look forward to hearing about your return and seeing Eden and Hope meet!

  4. Welcome home Hope! We look forward to meeting you. Wonderful news for the Williamsons to be a whole family as God intended! We pray for a peaceful few days as Hope has a new home and family-her precious sister- and friends to meet. Our whole family has loved seeing the journey and prays for all of you! Glory to God. The Speigles

  5. Angie!
    I was thinking about y'all during your looong trip back Stateside and especially as y'all touched down in Birmingham at 9:25 last night. I was so sad to not be there :-( I can't wait to come see y'all (but I will have to!). Wow, y'all are really in Birmingham---Hope is HOME!!! I'm crying I'm so happy about all this!!! :-) Love y'all to pieces
