Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Progress…I’d say so!!



Itsy Bitsy Spider


  1. Look at those imitation skills!!!! YYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! Wow! "Up", indeed. God is good.

  2. Unbelievable!!!! No stinkin' way!! That's amazing! So glad y'all could post a video--I feel like y'all are just down the road and not as far away from me on earth as possible. She said, "Up!" She's doing the hand motions to the song! She is loving this treatment! I need one of those fancy light-up balls for Joseph. This is going well. I'm so thankful for his quick answer to prayer. May Our Lord continue to knit y'all together as a family more and more each day.

  3. Connor says it is so sweet that she said up. Cam says I loves hope. He typed that himself. Connor says: Hope looks so cute!!! Boys say to NoAh that is awesome that you got Hope. And Eden will be so happy. The Speigle boys
