Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Received .pdf and it has been sent to Lily!

Okay so really…I don’t need to say anymore than the title, but of course I will… So the NVC emailed me the .pdf at 6:05 a.m. I opened my email at 6:28 a.m. and forwarded it to Karla so she would have it when she arrived at work later this morning. Well at 6:31 a.m. I got an email from Karla that said it was already forwarded to China!!! So the hope is that Lily will be able to go to the Consulate tomorrow (Thursday) and thus tomorrow will begin our 2 week A5 wait!!!! Yay!! It’s getting real now people!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow!!! I'm so so excited. I can't wait. Oh gosh I'll need to start a bib for her (toddlers still drool). Do you have a color preference? Call meeeee!!!!!!
