Sunday, July 10, 2011

Garage Sale for Baby!

God is so faithful! My sweet friend Holly suggested a garage sale to raise money for the adoption about 2 months ago. I liked the idea and so started telling a couple people about it. Another dear friend Ana began cleaning out her home to sell it and saved all her "giveaways" for our sale. Five other families contributed to the sale, and it was like the fishes and the loaves. On sale day we started dragging out the stuff and it just kept pouring out! We had a great sale and made $350.00! Huge success for a garage sale in my opinion. I had put on the signage that it was an a "raising money for adoption" sale and several people just handed me money. One sweet lady even came back and gave me two precious dresses for Eden and the new baby (if it's a girl) to wear! It was a really neat day. We met so many people who either had adopted or were themselves adopted. I enjoyed the day immensely! I loved getting to spend time with my friend Holly and I loved talking with so many people. Another amazing friend drove over to our home at "o'dark early" to get our truck to go back to their home to bring us some stuff. God has sure blessed us with amazing loved ones to share our lives. It's humbling. This morning at church our pastor asked for an update and an estimate of how much the total adoption would cost. I told him just under $30 thousand and he looked so shocked. He asked how we were managing it and had we been saving for it. I was pleased to answer honestly and confidently by saying, "No, we don't have the money but God keeps bringing it in and we are not concerned. We will apply for grants and send out support letters soon, but in the end we know that God will provide." If any of you really know me, for me to say this and mean it is huge! God has been doing quite an overhaul in my heart with regards to money lately and I am so glad that I am free to say..."I'm not worried." I mean really is worrying going to bring any money in? Nope. Plus, it's just a sign of not trusting in God's provision. He ordered this baby, it is a gift he is giving us, he'll pay for it. (smile) And we can't wait to receive his gift!!

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