I received an email today from our social worker today that she received from their in-country liaison, Lily. She is the one I mailed our care package to so she could forward it on to Hope. Below is the message Lily sent to Amy regarding Hope…
“Yes, she is now at CQ Ai Xin Children Garden. Most of the orphanages form CQ area have been moved to there recently. I got their package and sent to there too.”
YAY! I’m so glad to know that our care package made it to Lily and is likely at the orphanage now. I have heard that they often keep care packages until Chinese New Year if the package arrives near the celebration day. So Hope may not have it yet, but it is probably at the orphanage. I am also relieved to have some confirmation of her whereabouts. As I have been saying on this blog, we figured that she was at the new huge UNICEF facility and she is indeed there. My friend Julie who just returned from China with her little girl from the same orphanage told me that the Love Manor is not called by that name in Chongqing. They call it the “Gardens”. Which was a highly valuable tidbit of information to have today when this message from Lily came. Had I not known this little bit of information from Julie I would now be totally confused as to where Hope was. Thanks again Julie!